Monday, January 19, 2009

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President…Thank You!

On November 4, 2008, I got up at 6:30am with a sense of responsibility, I felt that I had a duty as an American citizen to become a part of the "change" that my nation was about to endure. I stood in a rainy, cold, line that stood at least a half of a mile long outside of my voting precinct; which is a middle school that in the past students of my color weren't even allowed to attend. I stood there with my mother whom was born in 1954 and had endured the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the election, inauguration, and assassination of President John F. Kennedy, as well as segregated and desegregated schools. I watched her with Pride in her eyes and a since of security that I'd never seen before. She has and always will be the STONGEST women and the most secure women that I know, but that day it seemed a bit different, it seemed that she actually believed for the first time ever that the daughter that she had raised was now going to be living in a world that was all hers and uninhibited for her to go and come and do whatever she pleased, and Honestly Mr. President, I didn't understand that or believe that until the very next day. I stood also with my Daughter whom is the same age as one of your darling little girls; I looked at her and then realized the world that she would someday inherit had now changed for the good and had now been changed forever. I take her with me to vote in every election because I've always felt that, that was important, she had to know that there were more important things in a young women's life other than the latest hip hop or pop tune, or the latest trend in clothes, I needed her to endure the history that was being made and I needed her to understand the importance of my actions that day. I didn't go into great detail with her right then, but I made her understand that I was not just voting for you because of the color of your skin, but I was voting for you because of the "content of your character". I realized that someday this now changed world was hers for the taking and there was literally no stopping her, and I vowed right then and there to never ever say NO to her ambitions, choices, decisions, dreams, or hope, because now "yes we can"! I was raised to BELIEVE that I could be whatever I wanted to be and to do whatever I wanted to do, and now I'm raising my daughter to KNOW that she CAN and WILL be whatever she wants to be and for that I thank you! You gave me something greater than any gift I'd ever received, greater than any amount of money earned, you gave me the Audacity to HOPE and it was the most wonderful thing that I had ever received. I took her into the voting booth with me; she watched carefully as I selected Mark Warner for the Senate in my state, Mr. Vice President Joseph R. Biden and you, Mr. President Barack H. Obama, she made sure I reviewed my selections before moving to the next screen, she's particular that way. After my selections were made we walked to the car and she sat in silence and told me that today was going to be awesome, we slapped each other five and said now lets pray. We prayed for your safety and your family's safety and for your victory and went on about out day. I wore my "I VOTED" sticker all day long because I wanted people to know that I didn't sit around waiting for things to happen, I was apart of things happening.

Later that day, I watched CNN, MSNBC, HLN, CNBC, FNC, well you get the picture, a lot of news channels, waiting as each states votes had come in, I watched as you pulled Pennsylvania, California, and then Ohio, and then on to win my historically red state of Virginia, I was amazed (oh yeah, thanks for turning my red state blue)! Then the moment arrived as well as the tears that were soon to trickle down my face, Wolfe Blizter of CNN pronounced you the projected winner and the 44th president of these United States of America, I went running through my house and the sound echoed the base drums of a marching band announcing to everyone in plain sight, "he won, he won, he won"! There was an inexplicable joy that I felt for you it was like that win, was my win and that announcement meant that tonight we rest and know that tomorrow things are ok. I ran to my daughters room, because she was in bed for the night, because the next day meant time for school, I woke her and I explained to her that today was indeed an awesome day, that not only had you won the race to the white house, but you gained a victory for a generation, we prayed and gave thanks for our days request, we prayed for serenity and clarity , health and stability, for you and your family and then we gave thanks to all of those who had come before, that had worked so hard for you to get to that point and we felt satisfied and accomplished.

That day changed me for the better, that day I decided that there was nothing that I couldn't and wouldn't do to ensure that I can and will be everything and anything I want to be. If I haven't mentioned this to you I am 27 years old and my daughter is 10. Now you do the math, because believe you me there have been plenty of others that couldn't wait to do the calculations. I guess you figured it out by now and it's safe to say that I got started a little earlier than most but not to worry, I'm ending right on time. I made some irresponsible decisions, but I've never made a mistake! I am right where I should be, right when I'm suppose to be! I've been mocked and ridiculed for my situations, but I've also been praised, because although I started on the slanted and wide I'm finishing on the straight and narrow and not once in my life did I believe that I would fall victim to the same ideals and scenarios that so many others in my situation have succumb to. However, there was a change and difference in my beliefs between November the 3rd and November the 5th 2008, and it was before I believed, but now I know, and that's because of you! Our past does not determine our future and you made me know that with every speech, with every book, with every "yes we can" and with every "change we need". You Mr. President, gave me courage and for that I thank you!

Today is Sunday, January 18, 2009 and my daughter and I just endured a heart warming ceremony for you and Vice President Biden, we watched as Actors, Singers, Instrumentalist, Military Men and Women honored you for your upcoming inauguration, and the same feeling of pride that mom felt when she was waiting in line to vote for you, I felt today because today history was being made and I was apart of that, so again I say thanks.

Until now aside from myself and my mother my daughter had no other female role model to look up to, until our new First Lady Mrs. Michelle Obama. I can tell by the comments she makes and the way she looks at her, that there is a characteristic from Mrs. First Lady that she's trying to grab and make her own, and I must admit, until now besides my mom there wasn't a model out there of an African American women, beside's Clair Huxtable that I wanted to model my life after. I was raised to be my own women, and I like to think that I follow my own path, but just as Christians need the bible to outline the way we are suppose to live, I need a Mrs. First Lady to outline how I should be as a Mother, A Wife, and as myself, so Mr. President, could you please past this on and tell her thank you as well! I'm excited about the next few days because as was stated History is being made, and as a women of the MTV generation, I am glad that our generation had a chance to endure one of the worlds most powerful movements ever. So thanks again Mr. President, welcome, good luck, GOD bless you, and GOD bless America.

Forever and Ever AMEN,




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